Browsing Archive: May, 2010


Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : The Secret Place 
 A very wise man once told me, "You have to sit at the feet of Jesus by morning". Actually, he didn't just say it once. He said it many times over the years that I've known him. Many years ago when I first heard him say it, I wasn't quite sure what he meant. I was very young in the Lord then. But, I was like a sponge, soaking up all I could get, always hungry for more! That was a very long time ago and I have since come to understand the importance of those words. Now I share it with others! ...
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Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : The Secret Place 
 "Most of us are far more ready to believe how much we should love God than we are to believe how much He loves us. Few Christians really understand and feel that they are a delight to the Lord." (Alice Smith, "Beyond the Veil"). This is so very true. But, why? He created us for Himself! His desire is for us! There are many scriptures that tells us over and over about His unfailing Love for us! For instance ~~~

"Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things ...
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Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : Jesus is Coming!!! 
In our church services and our prayer gatherings lately, there is definitely something going on ~ something new, something different, something powerful! The Wind of the Spirit is blowing and it will not stop! This is the dawn of a new day! We have prayed and fasted for it! We have travailed for it! We have longed for it! We have believed for it! It isn't coming ~ it is already here! If you haven't witnessed it yet, you will soon ~ whether you are ready for it or not! There is so much more g...
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Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : My Musings 
 My grandparents' house was a house full of love and laughter. The huge, 100-year-old, two-story home will forever be a beautiful picture in my memory. 

As you opened the front door to the living room during the holidays, there was always a nine foot tree by the big picture window overlooking the front porch. The tree was decorated with ornaments that were obviously older than I was at the time. My grandparents told me that the ornaments belonged to their parents. I remember that every year I ...
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Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : Jesus is Coming!!! 
The Lord is moving once again in our midst, in a new way, for a new season! He is awakening our hearts and our spirits to Him, to His Spirit, to His voice, to His leading! The old way of doing things will no longer suffice! It's a new day, a new season, and He is doing a new thing! He is moving us to a new, higher level in Him, a deeper place of intimacy! The Fire of His Holiness is demanding a laying down of our lives ~ our hopes, our dreams, our gifts and talents, our earthly desires, our w...
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Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : Enjoying the Journey 
 **Proverbs 3:5-6 ~ 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.

***Trust ~

*reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing

*confident expectation



*rely upon

*expect confidently

*instinctive unquestioning belief in and reliance upon

*assured resting of the mind on the integrity, veracity, justice, friendship, or other sound principle, of another pe...
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Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : My Body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost 
1. Microwaved Food
2. Excitotoxins (MSG – monosodium glutamate, aspartame) and anything you can’t pronounce
3. Homogenized and non-organic dairy products
4. Any product that contains hydrogenated oil
5. Anything you can’t pronounce do not put on your skin (propylene glycol / mineral oil)
6. Non-filtered water for drinking, showering, bathing and swimming
7. Pork and shellfish
8. White sugar and white flour
9. Any meat that’s not totally organic, range free, grass fed, and properly killed
10. �...
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Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : The Secret Place 
 Have you ever heard someone mention a "God-shaped hole" being in each one of us? It's true! There is a longing deep within us that can be satisfied ONLY by His Presence, His Love, His connection to us! Before we realize what it is, we are "looking for love in all the wrong places", so to speak. That's why no matter what good thing we "think" we have found, it can never satisfy us! We are complete only when we have become one with Him! We were created BY Him, FOR Him! His desire is for us! ...
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Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : Jesus is Coming!!! 
I know that every generation has thought that. And, what is considered the "last days" could be quite a long time period. But, according to what the Word says about the signs of the times, and considering the "condition" of things today, I would say that I believe we are most definitely in what would be called the last days! I heard someone prophesy recently that we are in "the beginning of sorrows". Who's to say? But, I can tell you this. We are in very serious times and the Church needs to ...
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Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : Enjoying the Journey 
I have enjoyed so much the two days I have spent out at the Andouille Festival! It was great! I met a lot of nice people and ran into old friends. Today I met people from CR at Celebration Church in Metairie. I also have a FaceBook friend from another state that is in CR who looked at the pictures I took and commented that their local CR group was looking for something like this to do as an outreach to the community. One of the ladies that did facepainting said some of the little kids were ...
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Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : My Musings 
Playing ball,
Sweat and dirt don't seem to bother them.
They almost welcome it.
Perpetual motion,
Never-ending energy.
Their heads hit the pillow at night,
But, fighting sleep.

(I wrote this many years ago when my son, who is now 20, was about 6. I was sitting in the bleachers watching him play basketball.)

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Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : My Body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost 
 **I found this on the internet awhile back and saved it. Unfortunately, I just noticed that I didn't include my source. However, I can say that through many years of personal research, I believe this to all be true. Please check into it, for your health and for the health of those you love.**

The giant food corporations have one mission: selling more food and beverage products to consumers. Succeeding with that mission depends on keeping consumers in the dark on certain issues such as the pre...
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Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : Jesus is Coming!!! 
Recently, the Lord spoke two words to me ~ power and authority. We can look at it two ways. If we (the Church) knew the power that is within us, we would walk in the authority God has given us. At the same time, if we knew the authority we have, we would walk in so much power! When you look up the word power, authority is one of the meanings. Likewise, if you look up the word authority, the word power is one of the meanings. This is no accident!

This is a time when we need to be walking in tha...
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Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : The Secret Place 
Psalm 139:23-24
"23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 Point out anything in me that offends you,
and lead me along the path of everlasting life."

Jeremiah 17:10
"But I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives."

The Holy Spirit guards the entrance to His Presence. We must approach Him with a right spirit. He requires absolute honesty from us when we go before Him. There must be no pretense or deception going into His Presence.

I want to have a...
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Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : Enjoying the Journey 
Every Saturday, I go with some other ladies to hold a church service at one of the local prisons. When I was first asked to be a part of this a couple of years ago, I thought there was no way this was something the Lord wanted me to do because I wouldn't possibly be able to understand or help the ladies there. I had never used drugs and alcohol or been in any kind of trouble. I didn't think I had anything to offer them! I thought they would think that I could never really understand anything ...
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Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : My Musings 
I watched and I listened
As the words flowed
out of their mouths.
Their pain gripped my heart
like a vise.
So young, so innocent,
yet, so burdened
By life
and the hand it has dealt them.
I try to fight back the tears,
but, ~~~ NO!
I must shed these tears for them!
Their very survival depends on knowing
that someone truly cares about them.
Dear God in Heaven,
Wrap Your loving arms around them
So they will know
How much You love them!
Let them know that You
are on...
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Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : Politically Speaking 
He calls himself a Christian and claims to be very proud of his faith, although every bit of information to be found says otherwise. He said that "as one in leadership, he may be opposed to abortion for religious reasons, but if he seeks to pass a law banning the practice, he can't simply point to the teaching of his church or evoke God's will, he has to explain why abortion violates some principle that is accessible to people of ALL faiths, including those with no faith at all." He does not ...
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Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : My Body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost 
I have been buying some of my vitamins and supplements for several years from a Christian owned company called Tri-Vita. This is something they teach. They don't just sell vitamins! Just living by these ten guidelines can make a tremendous difference in your life! It has in mine! (comments in parenthesis are from me)

(1) Breathe deeply

(2) Drink water (as per my research, steam distilled is the best ~ it's all I drink))

(3) Sleep peacefully (and enough)

(4) Eat nutritiously (as much raw as possi...
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Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : The Secret Place 
Hey everyone! I've been wanting to do this for a very long time. I'm not sure exactly what has kept me from writing this ~ probably a combination of things. But, it has been burning in my heart, and the time has come for me to write and share with you the things the Lord has shared with me! My hope for this ongoing blog is to take you on a journey with me to The Secret Place ~ that personal, special, intimate place where man and his Lord and Savior, Jesus, can communicate in a way that is not...
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Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : Jesus is Coming!!! 
1 Chronicles 12:32 ~~ the sons of Issachar had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.....

This is how we need to be! We are in serious times! We must stay near to the Lord, listening closely to His voice, waiting for His instructions on what to do as things become more uncertain in these last days! We must be watchful, paying attention to what is going on and referring to God's Word daily in each situation. The Church in general has gotten so far away from how she should ...
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Posted by Cheryl Burrhus on Saturday, May 29, 2010, In : Enjoying the Journey 
This week my "baby" will leave for college! Where did the time go?

When CJ was born, he had a heart defect and died three times before they could perform surgery when he was 3 months old! The surgery was a great success ~ thank You, Jesus! He has amazed doctors his entire life after all he has been through! He began playing sports when he was only 4 years old! He played baseball, basketball and/or soccer until he was about 13. Personal computers put a stop to that! ;-) He is a computer whiz n...
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 The picture above is from our roof in Mexico looking out on a beautiful sunset!

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