He calls himself a Christian and claims to be very proud of his faith, although every bit of information to be found says otherwise. He said that "as one in leadership, he may be opposed to abortion for religious reasons, but if he seeks to pass a law banning the practice, he can't simply point to the teaching of his church or evoke God's will, he has to explain why abortion violates some principle that is accessible to people of ALL faiths, including those with no faith at all." He does not believe in the Inherent Word of God, spoken from his own mouth! He believes that politics involve COMPROMISE! Yes, compromise the Word of God! He said, "To base our policies on such a thing as God's Word, which must be obeyed completely, is a DANGEROUS thing!" What? Is he serious? He said that "If we were to see Abraham on the roof of this building, raising his knife to Issac, we would, at the very least, call the police and expect the department of social services to come and take Issac away from Abraham because we don't see and hear what Abraham does, so we have to act on what we do know and that is the law! There is some work to do here and I am hopeful that we can bridge the gap that exists and overcome the prejudice. I believe that Americans are tired of seeing religion used as a tool." So, in other words, he believes that government and the laws of the land OVERRULE God's Word! NOT! What is amazing is, this speech I am referring to was made in a church! I can guarantee you, that mockery would never happen in my church! The Presence of God would not allow it! I'd love to know what church he was speaking at! 

He said that if he could talk to Jesus, he would ask Him if he was going "up or down", meaning Heaven or hell. If he was truly a Christian and Jesus was his Lord and Savior, he wouldn't have to ask! He would KNOW his eternal destination was Heaven! That is a comfort and promise we have from God! He also said that the person who made him the proudest of all was his brother Roy, when he converted to Islam! No true Christian would EVER say anything like that! His cousin Odinga is an activist and radical Muslim who wants Sharia Law passed in Kenya, where he is a leader. He is also part of the group of people who were burning Christians alive, trapped inside of churches!

And this, America, is who we call our president!

God bless America ~ and please have mercy on us!!!


1 Timothy 2:1-6
(1) I urge you, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone ~ (2)for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. ~ (3) This is good, and pleases God our Savior, ~ (4) Who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the Truth. ~ (5) For there is One God and One Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, ~ (6) Who gave Himself as a Ransom for all men.

(Written 5/9/10)